Saturday, March 9, 2013

Waiting for Baby

I was originally going to title this "Countdown," but since I don't know exactly what I'm counting toward... And waiting is exactly what I'm doing.  I'm waiting for Baby Girl to be ready to join the world and I'm trying so very hard to be patient!

Each day will have the same format and I will update everyday, so check back for more

And here we go... 

Today is: Saturday, March 16th

I am _41_ weeks _2__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: Calm and relaxed and happy my family is all in one place again. 

Instead of having a baby today I: slept in and then cuddled with Whit while he snoozed on.... Had a relaxed morning, made some pancakes, watched Dumbo, played with Whit at the park and then came home and took a nap (with Whit, can you tell I missed him a little?). When daddy came home we grilled out and enjoyed dinner and the evening together and will soon be off to an early bedtime.  A great day!

Today is: Friday, March 15th

I am _41_ weeks _1__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: Very happy that my Whitfield is home!! I missed him so much!!

Instead of having a baby today I: slept in (I had trouble going to sleep so it wasn't that much of a treat), shaped up the sourdough bread and 2 dozen cinnamon rolls for Whit's school's Teacher Appreciation Breakfast, made 2 dozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the baseball team, picked up some good herbal tea and picked up my Whitfield! 

I am _41_ weeks _0__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: Very relaxed.  I'm also working hard at taming my fears and anxieties...  And I'm very excited about picking up Whit tomorrow and getting some good cuddles in. 

Instead of having a baby today I: had a massage (heavenly!) and enjoyed the spa shower (also amazing!) Then I picked up Grams, took a nap, and went shopping.  Last, but most important, I spent some quality time with my husband before he leaves for his trip this weekend.  Oh yeah, and I started sourdough bread and got all of Baby Girl's quilt cut out! 

Today is: Wednesday, March 13th

I am _40_ weeks _6__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: excited that this is my last day of work and sad that my Whitfield is not at home! 

Instead of having a baby today I: went to work all day and went in for my doctor's appointment. Then I went home and tried very hard to relax and remember that this little girl does not like to be told what to do...sort of like her Mommy... 

Today is: Tuesday, March 12th

I am _40_ weeks _5__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: very comfortable with Baby Girl not coming for a few more days even though I'm very excited to meet her when she does decided to arrive.

Instead of having a baby today I: went to work all day, took a nap, went for a walk (seeing a pattern here?) did some yoga, put together my nursing stool and made a pin board for the front hallway (a project that I've been thinking about doing for a while now.)

Today is: Monday, March 11th

I am _40_ weeks _4__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: shocked that this pregnancy is almost over. Yes, the last 2 weeks have been a bit of a drain because for some reason I felt that Baby should be here, but when I think about it I feel like I just found out!

Instead of having a baby today I: went to work all day, took a nap, had a nice dinner, played with Whit for a few minutes (it was tough to compete withe Nana and the exclusive "coffee club") and finished the baby gown. (yeah!)

Today is: Sunday, March 10th

I am _40_ weeks _3__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: good.  Starting to get anxious about when baby will come and trying to keep calm, relaxed and patient. 

Instead of having a baby today I: slept in (thanks Nana, and the time change), went to church, took a few passes at the big hill by my house, took a 2 hour nap, had a great dinner and went on a date with my wonderful husband. 

Today is: Saturday, March 9th

I am _40_ weeks _2__ day(s) pregnant

I am feeling: pretty good. I am considering coming up with some interesting answers to the obvious "you haven't had that baby yet?" questions.  Either that or I may become a recluse...

Instead of having a baby today I: made far too many pancakes for breakfast, cleaned the house (yes, again...) enjoyed a few hours of baseball in amazing almost-spring weather, took a nap, went out to dinner with the family, had some ice cream, and nearly finished the baby gown that I thought surely I wouldn't get to before this child arrived.

Today is: Friday, March 8th
I am _40_ weeks _1__ day(s) pregnant
I am feeling: a little tired still. We are all a little sniffly so no one in the house is sleeping very well.  Not excited about working and not thinking a baby is coming.
Instead of having a baby today I: went to school all day, had a pedicure (yum!) then picked up Whit and enjoyed watching him run around at the baseball field for several hours. 

Today is: Thursday, March 7th
I am _40_ weeks _0__ day(s) pregnant
I am feeling: tired.  Whit had a nighttime accident and I couldn't get back to sleep.  I really need a nap.  But... feeling ok about NOT having a baby today.
Instead of having a baby today I: went to my doctors' appointment and cleaned the house (Specifically, I scrubbed the bathtub in case I need to labor there).  Then I went grocery shopping, picked up Whit from school and went to HVA to have lunch with Kirk (and Whit).  I missed napping with Whit because he woke up early, so we made chicken pot pie and angel food cake with whipped cream... all from scratch (and it's only 6:30).

The countdown ends on March 16th because I finally went into labor.

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