Can it be true that my last blog post was over a month ago?
I suppose so as we went back to school a few weeks ago and the days are just slipping away from me. Nothing says "August" better than starting school.
I had such grand plans for the summer, most of which went by the wayside when I decided to complete 9 hours of graduate work toward my Master's of Education and teacher licensing. Although I still have one involved assignment left, I can say that I'm truly looking forward to a year in which I can use my plan to actually plan instead of do homework and a semester that should be significantly easier for me to teach than last year was.
Speaking of school, Whit began Mother's Day Out/Pre-school this week. I can hardly believe he his big enough to use the word "pre-school!" With the amazing transition he's had this week back to full-time Nanny care, I can only say that he's ready. Every day this week as Mom and Dad trudged off to school with sleepy eyes and sad hearts, Whit ran into Nanny Christine's house to see his pseudo big brothers with no tears and a cheerful "Bye Mom, by Dad." More to come on the first weeks of school.
I can't say that the summer was a total loss as we spent nearly a month on "vacation." It was good to bookend our summer with first a trip to Alaska to see my parents and then a trip to the beach to visit with the Renegar family. Still, all of the school work, vacationing and preparation to go back to school again has left me in what feels like a constant state of catching up.
Catch up on sleep, catch up on laundry, catch up on housework, catch up with friends and family.... catch up with blogging....
I am a creature of habit and I know once I adjust back to the school schedule I will feel much better. Sometimes I think that Whit is the same and other times he seems to just go right along with whatever is happening, so perhaps his need for a schedule is completely (or in part) imposed by my needs.
I'm including some summer photos from the last few weeks in this blog but look for more to come as I finally get all of my thoughts down from our busy busy summer!